Friday, June 6, 2008

Flippy Cup Forever

So it's day 12 of 10 and I have yet to sleep for more than 3 drunken hours at night. Not that I'm complaining, it's just beginning to really interfere with my ability to act sober and awake.

They say that outside of a dog, a book is man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. I wish I were inside a dog right now, then I would have an excuse not to read and therefore would only have to think for work. Although y'know if Ace Ventura sure was warm in that Rhino, maybe a dog might not be the wisest choice of animal to skive off work in. I've got to put some more thought into this idea. It needs some modifications, but I think one day it could go global.

Of course I'm blameless in all of this madness. The responsibility for my situation lies squarely on the shoulders of the inventors of flippy cup. I didn't think I could find a drinking game better than bollox, but really, this one's shot right to the top of my list.

1 comment:

devilindetails said...

I think in Spain we play that game in weddings... be careful!!